
#319 - 1515 W 2nd Avenue


$762,000 Sale Price

Sold On May 24th, 2024
  • 787 Sq Ft
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 2 Bathrooms
Sold By

#319 - 1515 W 2nd Avenue


$762,000 Sale Price

Sold On May 24th, 2024
  • 787 Sq Ft
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 2 Bathrooms
Sold By
Welcome to Island Cove on Granville Island. This south facing extra large one bedroom, two bathroom home is in a recently renovated, concrete building on the seawall. You can be part of the action in this home as you watch and join visitors explore the best that Vancouver has to offer; with easy access to The Granville Island Public Market, restaurants, events, and amazing oceanside walks. Joining this great strata ensures peace of mind and a fantastic quality of life. Rentals and pets (1 dog or 1 cat) are welcome.
Property Details
Floor Plan
Floor Plan for #319 - 1515 W 2nd Avenue, Vancouver
Location Map

This property was listed on May 4th, 2024 for $769,000 and sold on May 24th, 2024 for $762,000.

Blu Realty has taken maximum care to ensure this information is correct, however, we take no responsibility for its accuracy. Please verify all details if deemed important.

#319 - 1515 W 2nd Avenue


$762,000 Sale Price

Sold On May 24th, 2024
  • 787 Sq Ft
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 2 Bathrooms
Sold By
Welcome to Island Cove on Granville Island. This south facing extra large one bedroom, two bathroom home is in a recently renovated, concrete building on the seawall. You can be part of the action in this home as you watch and join visitors explore the best that Vancouver has to offer; with easy access to The Granville Island Public Market, restaurants, events, and amazing oceanside walks. Joining this great strata ensures peace of mind and a fantastic quality of life. Rentals and pets (1 dog or 1 cat) are welcome.
Property Details
Floor Plan
Location Map

This property was listed on May 4th, 2024 for $769,000 and sold on May 24th, 2024 for $762,000.

Blu Realty has taken maximum care to ensure this information is correct, however, we take no responsibility for its accuracy. Please verify all details if deemed important.
James Sutton
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#319 – 1515 W 2nd Avenue
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#319 – 1515 W 2nd Avenue
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