For Sale

112 Tenth Avenue

New Westminster


  • 1,716 Sq Ft
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
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For Sale

112 Tenth Avenue

New Westminster


  • 1,716 Sq Ft
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
Listed By
Family home that is centrally located in Glenbrooke North on a major artery, close to Royal Square Mall. This wide lot is substantive and expands almost 7,000 sq ft with laneway access. This home has two suites – main floor plus attic, and a basement suite that can be a mortgage-helper. Current zoning allows for a Single Family Dwelling plus Secondary Suite plus Laneway House. The Official Community Plan also allows for a Duplex after a rezoning process. With upcoming changes in City’s Infill Housing Program as a response to Provincial Government’s new mandate, small scale multi unit housing may be possible.
Property Details
Lot Outline
112 Tenth Avenue, New Westminster
Location Map

This property was listed on July 12th, 2024.

Blu Realty has taken maximum care to ensure this information is correct, however, we take no responsibility for its accuracy. Please verify all details if deemed important.
For Sale

112 Tenth Avenue

New Westminster


  • 1,716 Sq Ft
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
Listed By
Family home that is centrally located in Glenbrooke North on a major artery, close to Royal Square Mall. This wide lot is substantive and expands almost 7,000 sq ft with laneway access. This home has two suites – main floor plus attic, and a basement suite that can be a mortgage-helper. Current zoning allows for a Single Family Dwelling plus Secondary Suite plus Laneway House. The Official Community Plan also allows for a Duplex after a rezoning process. With upcoming changes in City’s Infill Housing Program as a response to Provincial Government’s new mandate, small scale multi unit housing may be possible.
Property Details
Lot Outline
Location Map

This property was listed on July 12th, 2024.

Blu Realty has taken maximum care to ensure this information is correct, however, we take no responsibility for its accuracy. Please verify all details if deemed important.
Mustafa Akhtar
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112 Tenth Avenue
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112 Tenth Avenue
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