Just a friendly reminder from your real estate friends at Blu Realty that you must declare your property status for the Empty Homes Tax (Vacancy Tax) by February 2nd, 2023. Even if you don’t own a home yourself, this is helpful information for you to share with your loved ones who do own property. Residential property owners are required to make a property status declaration each year to determine whether their property will be subject to the Empty Homes Tax. Even if you live in your home, you must make a declaration every year. If you fail to declare by the deadline, your property will be deemed vacant and subject to a tax of 3% of its assessed taxable value for the 2022 tax year, and a $250 by-law ticket.
Here are some important dates to note: • February 2, 2023 is the deadline for your declaration for 2022. • April 14, 2023 is the deadline for your payment for 2022.
Click here to go to the Declaration Website for more information.